What a ride!

I started this publishing journey seven years ago. When I allow myself the space to sit with that knowledge, I’m struck by how wild it is.

The little girl who constantly made up stories to entertain her sibling. The preteen who put pen to paper to deal with some tough situations. The teenager who dreamt of one day seeing her name as more than a by-line in her school paper … grew up to write a freaking book.

A lot of years passed before my dream came to fruition. Life happened. I became a wife. Then a mother. Life was beautifully chaotic filled with blessings and hardships. I barely had enough time to write more than a grocery list much less anything else.

The year I turned 40, I hit publish on my first book, Healing the Broken.

I’ve penned and published seven novels. When I think about that it blows my mind. You see, I have a thing for the number seven. My first date with my husband was on June 7th, we were engaged on September 7th and married on February 7th. Seven is my lucky number. I couldn’t let my 7th Publiversary pass without taking a moment to reflect on this journey. Appreciating the accomplishment instead of comparing myself to authors who’ve written ten times more than I have. Feeling grateful for the experiences I’ve had and the people I’ve met. Feeling blessed by every reader who has ever reached out to share how my words made a difference for them. Feeling so incredibly thankful for each soul who has supported me, especially my husband and daughter who have witnessed me at my worst.

It’s been more than two years since I hit publish. I feel more inspired every single day and I’m manifesting my 8th novel will be in the wild sometime this year.

Thank you for this moment and indulging me in my reflective ramblings.

Until next time,

xoxo K.

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